Schob Nature Preserve
An Outdoor Classroom
The Schob Nature Preserve is the perfect place to study the natural environment. The 7.44-acre property is a neighborhood park, a research site, and a classroom for Texas A&M students.
Texas A&M University is charged with the creation, preservation and management of the property as public parkland and a nature conservation area. The site is used to supplement classroom learning for various disciplines throughout the university.
The management of the parkland portion is shared between the Department of Landscape Architecture and Urban Planning (LAUP) in the College of Architecture and the Department of Recreation, Parks and Tourism Sciences (RPTS) in the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences.
1906 Ashburn Avenue
College Station, Texas
Schob Scholars Program
Research and initiatives are made possible by the Schobs Scholars Program. Senior Schob Scholars in LAUP and RPTS pursue education, research and outreach activities in support of the preserve. Schob Scholars mini-grants support collaborative work between colleagues at Texas A&M University, Texas A&M Agrilife Research, and Texas A&M Agrilife Extension Service. Additional funds are available through the LAUP mini-grant program to encourage College of Architecture faculty to participate in the education, research and outreach activities at the preserve.

Home to an Aggie
More than just a classroom, Dr. Schob left his home to be a residence for a current A&M student. The student resident(s) are expected to provide general oversight of the adjacent Schob Nature Preserve. They can also help coordinate or conduct research projects and contribute to education programs on the site.
A student from either the Department of Landscape Architecture and Urban Planning (LAUP) or Department of Recreation, Parks and Tourism Sciences (RPTS) lives on the property. Both departments collectively decide which student(s) live at the Schob residence.
Eligible students are current students in either LAUP or RPTS and have honorably served in the United States Armed Forces, law enforcement or fire protection services.

How it All Began
David Schob bequeathed his home and residential lot to Texas A&M University in 2009. Schob designated that the land be used as a university student residence and a public neighborhood park.
The Man Behind the Preserve
David E. Schob was born in Chicago, Illinois, in 1941. He received his Bachelor of Arts, Master of Arts and Ph.D. from the University of Illinois.
Schob dedicated 26 years of his life teaching history at Texas A&M University. Starting in 1971, he spent his summers teaching on the Texas Clipper, a ship-turned-classroom at Texas A&M University in Galveston. Schob was the director of the Summer School Sea Program during his last seven years of sailing on the clipper. He retired from his love of teaching at Texas A&M in 1996.
Schob truly loved to teach history. His classes were always large. If you were a student in his class you felt as if you were “living the history.” He received numerous honors and awards as a result of his teaching.
Schob died on February 12, 2007.