The Planning Accreditation Board requires this information be posted for the Texas A&M University Master of Urban Planning program. Find more information on the PAB here.

Strategic Plan

The Master of Urban Planning program developed a strategic plan for the years 2019-2024. A new strategic plan being developed and will be adopted Spring of 2025. The strategic plan outlines the department’s mission, vision, goals, and objectives for the next five years. It is based on a thorough assessment of the current state of the program, as well as input from faculty, students, and industry professionals. The plan aims to enhance the program’s curriculum, streamline administrative processes, strengthen partnerships with external organizations, and enable students to be competitive in the job market.

View the Master of Urban Planning Strategic Plan

Student Achievement

The Master of Urban Planning (MUP) program educates and trains professional urban planners and researchers to become leaders in developing and applying participatory, evidence-based urban and regional policy and planning solutions that move communities toward a sustainable and resilient future. The MUP program uses an evidence-based approach to planning education based on six major learning outcomes: leadership, inquiry skills, planning knowledge, planning processes, plan assessment, and communication. Upon graduation, our students are able to utilize their knowledge and skills to be effective researchers and practitioners in planning and planning-related fields.

Quick Facts

Retention, Graduation and Certification

Tuition and Fees: Up-to-date information on tuition and fees can be found here.

Student Retention RatePercentage of students who began studies in fall 2023 and continued into fall 202497%
Student Graduation RatePercentage of students graduating within 4 years, entering class of 2019100%
Number of Degrees AwardedNumber of degrees awarded for 2023- 2024 academic year17
ACIP Pass RatesPercentage of master’s graduates taking the AICP exam within 3 years who pass, graduating class of 20200%
Master of Urban Planning retention, graduation, and certification statistics.


Employment Status — Graduating Class of 2022Percentage
Percentage of full-time graduates employed in planning or planning related positions70%
Percentage of full-time graduates pursuing further education6%
Percentage of full-time graduates with unknown employment status24%
Employment status for full-time Master of Urban Planning graduates 12 months after graduation, class of 2021.
Employment Status — Graduating Class of 2023Percentage
Percentage of full-time graduates employed in planning or planning related positions87.5%
Percentage of full-time graduates pursuing further education12.5%
Percentage of full-time graduates with unknown employment status0%
Employment status for full-time Master of Urban Planning graduates 12 months after graduation, class of 2022.