
John O. Greer


John Only Greer ’55 (ARCH), Emeritus faculty, the initial and twenty-two year holder of the Wallie E. Scott Endowed Professorship of Architectural Practice and Management at Texas A&M, has also served as chairman of the Texas Board of Architectural Examiners, as a director on the National Board of the American Institute of Architects, as president of the Texas Society of Architects, as president of the Texas Architectural Foundation, as head of the Department of Environmental Design, and as executive associate dean and interim dean of the A&M School of Architecture, serving forty-four years on the TAMU faculty. Greer’s honors include election to the AIA College of Fellows, the Tau Sigma Delta Silver Medal, the TSA Award for Lifetime Achievement in honor of Llewelyn W. Pitts , University and TSA teaching awards. He played a major role in getting regulation of practice added to the Texas Architects Registration Law. Mr. & Mrs. Greer have endowed a scholarship in the department of architecture. John passed away in June 2015.

At a Glance

Class Year
Award Year
Bachelor of Architecture