Research Progress and Outcomes
Project Publications
Braik, A. M.*, & Koliou, M. (2023). “A Novel Digital Twin Framework of Electric Power Infrastructure Systems Subjected to Hurricanes”. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 104020.
Braik, A. M., & Koliou, M. (Forthcoming) “A Digital Twin Framework for Efficient Electric Power Restoration and ResilientRecovery in the Aftermath of Hurricanes Considering the Interdependencies with Road Network and Essential Facilities”, Resilient Cities and Structures, 3(3),
Braik, A. M. *, & Koliou, M. (2024) “Automated Building Damage Assessment and Large-Scale Mapping by Integrating Satellite Imagery, GIS, and Deep Learning”. Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering , 10.1111/mice.13197.
Gupta, H. S. *, Adluri, T., Sanderson, D., González, A. D., Nicholson, C. D., & Cox, D. (2024). “Multi-objective optimization of mitigation strategies for buildings subject to multiple hazards”. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 100, 104125.
Mehta, J. M., & Chamberlain, E. (2023). “Cultural-ecosystem resilience is vital yet underconsidered in coastal restoration”. Nature: Humanities and Social Sciences, 21 pages.
Mehta, J. M. (2023). “Measuring biodiversity and the loss of indigenous landscapes in coastal Louisiana using airborne imagery and satellite data”. Biodiversity, 38.
Yu, S., Lei K.*, & Losoya J.* (under review, submitted Apr 2024). A Meta-analysis of Plan Integration. Journal of Planning Literature
Chen, C., Wang, H., Lindell, M. K., Jung, M. C., & Siam, M. R. K. (2022). “Tsunami preparedness and resilience: Evacuation logistics and time estimations”. Transportation research part D: transport and environment, 109, 103324.
Chen, C., Mostafizi, A., Wang, H., Cox, D., & Cramer, L. (2022). “Evacuation behaviors in tsunami drills”. Natural Hazards, 112(1), 845-871.
Koll, C., Lindell, M., Chen, C., & Wang, H. (2023). “Emergency warning dissemination in a multiplex social network”. Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, 26(1).
Siam, M. R. K., Lindell, M. K., & Wang, H. (2024). “Modeling of multi-hazard warning dissemination time distributions: An agent-based approach”. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 100, 104207. Chimauriya, H.R., Biwas, N., Puppala, A.J., (under review) “Deep Learning Based Surrogate Model to Estimate Scour Around Slab-on-grade Foundations Subjected to Flooding Conditions”. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering
Related Team Publications
In an era marked by increasing environmental challenges, understanding and enhancing community resilience has become a vital area of research. A series of recent publications highlight innovative approaches to assessing and improving resilience in communities across the United States.
Aghababaei, M., & Koliou, M. (2022). Community resilience assessment via agent-based modeling approach. Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 00, 1– 20.
Aghababaei, M., & Koliou, M. (2022). Toward Community Resilience Assessment. In Objective Resilience: Applications (pp. 1-18). Reston, VA: American Society of Civil Engineers.
Yu, S., Malecha, M., & Berke, P. (2021). Examining factors influencing plan integration for community resilience in six US coastal cities using Hierarchical Linear Modeling. Landscape and Urban Planning, 215, 104224.
Woodruff, S., Meerow, S., Gilbertson, P., Hannibal, B.,…Yu, S., & Berke, P. (2021). Is flood resilience planning improving? A longitudinal analysis of networks of plans in Boston and Fort Lauderdale. Climate Risk Management, 100354.
Berke, P., Kates, J., Malecha, M., Masterson, J., Shea, P., & Yu, S. (2021). Using a resilience scorecard to improve local planning for vulnerability to hazards and climate change: An application in two cities. Cities, 119, 103408.
Newman, G., Sansom, G. T., Yu, S., Kirsch, K. R., Li, D., Kim, Y., … & Musharrat, S. (2022). A Framework for Evaluating the Effects of Green Infrastructure in Mitigating Pollutant Transferal and Flood Events in Sunnyside, Houston, TX. Sustainability, 14(7), 4247.
Li, X., Yu, S., Huang, X., Dadashova, B., Cui, W., & Zhang, Z. (2022). Do underserved and socially vulnerable communities observe more crashes? A spatial examination of social vulnerability and crash risks in Texas. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 173, 106721.
Gharaibeh, Nasir, Isaac Oti, Michelle Meyer, Marccus Hendricks, and Shannon Van Zandt. “Potential of Citizen Science for Enhancing Infrastructure Monitoring Data and Decision‐Support Models for Local Communities.” Risk Analysis 41, no. 7 (2021): 1104-1110.
Bahareh Alizadeh, Diya Li, Julia Hillin, Michelle A. Meyer, Courtney M. Thompson, Zhe Zhang, Amir H. Behzadan. 2022. “Human-centered flood mapping and intelligent routing through augmenting flood gauge data with crowdsourced street photos.” Advanced Engineering Informatics. Volume 54, 101730. ISSN 1474-0346.
Hendricks, M. D., Meyer, M. A., & Wilson, S. M. (2022). Moving Up the Ladder in Rising Waters: Community Science in Infrastructure and Hazard Mitigation Planning as a Pathway to Community Control and Flood Disaster Resilience. Citizen Science: Theory and Practice, 7(1).
Chen, Z., Jang, S., Kaihatu, J.M., Zhou, Y.-H., Wright, F.A., Chiu, W.A., and Rusyn, I. (2021). “Potential human health hazard of post-Hurricane Harvey sediments in Galveston Bay and Houston Ship Channel: a case study of using in vitrobioactivity data to inform risk management decisions.” International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, doi: 10.3390/ijerph182413378
Kijewski-Correa, T., Roueche, D., Kennedy, A., Allen, D., Marshall, J., Kaihatu, J., Wood, R.L., Smith, D.J., Lester, H., Lochhead, M., Copp, A., McCarthy, A., Prevatt, D.O., and Robertson, I. (2021). “Impacts of Hurricane Dorian on the Bahamas: field observations of hazard intensity and performance of the built environment.” Coastal Engineering Journal, doi: 10.1080/21664250.2021.1958613.
Chen Chen, Haizhong Wang, Michael K. Lindell, Meen Chel Jung, M.R.K. Siam. Tsunami preparedness and resilience: Evacuation logistics and time estimations, Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment.
Haizhong Wang, Michael Lindell, M.R.K. Siam, Chen Chen, Rahmawati Husein, Local residents’ immediate responses to the 2018 Indonesia earthquake and tsunami. Earthquake Spectra,
Chen Chen, Alireza Mostafizi, Haizhong Wang, Dan Cox, Lori Cramer. Evacuation Behaviors in Tsunami Drills, Natural Hazards, 112, 845-871 (2022).
Surya Sarat Chandra Congress, Ph.D.; Anand J. Puppala, Ph.D., P.E., F.ASCE; Amit Gajurel, S.M.ASCE; and Navid H. Jafari, Ph.D., A.M.ASCE. 2021. Transforming Aerial Reconnaissance Data of Pavement Infrastructure into Knowledge for Better Response to Natural Disasters. Geo-Extreme 2021 : Case Histories and Best Practices . 2021.
Boluk, B., Chakraborty, S., Puppala, A.J., Jafari, N.H. (2022). Inverse Analysis of a Failed Highway Embankment Slope in North Texas. In: Tutumluer, E., Nazarian, S., Al-Qadi, I., Qamhia, I.I. (eds) Advances in Transportation Geotechnics IV. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, vol 166. Springer, Cham.
Omar Ulloa; Surya Sarat Chandra Congress, Ph.D.; Gang Lei; Xinbao Yu, Ph.D.; Navid H. Jafari, Ph.D.; and Anand J. Puppala, Ph.D. 2020. Comprehensive Slope Stability Analysis of a Failed Roadway Embankment. Tran-SET 2020
Mohammad Salehi, Petros Sideris, Reginald DesRoches. Numerical modeling of repaired reinforced concrete bridge columns. Engineering Structures. Volume 253, 15 February 2022, 113801. Selected as an Editors Featured Article!
Conference Presentations and Papers
Gupta, H. S.*, Nofal., O. M., González, A. D., Nicholson, C. D., van de Lindt JW. (October 2021). “Optimal Selection of Short- and Long-Term Mitigation Strategies for Buildings within Communities under Flooding Hazard”, INFORMS Annual Meeting 2021.
Yu, S. (April 2022). “Examining factors influencing plan integration for community resilience at the district scale in six US coastal cities using Hierarchical Linear Modeling.” Urban Affairs Association Conference (UAA), Washington, D.C.
Gupta, H. S.*, Nofal., O. M., González, A. D., Nicholson, C. D., van de Lindt JW. (October 2022). “Multi-Objective Optimization of Mitigation Strategies for Buildings Subject to Multiple Hazards”. INFORMS Annual Meeting 2022.
Nolan, S., Walden, K.S., Mehta, J., Pinell, S. & Hanson, T. (Fall 2022) “Engineering, Archaeology, Ecology, and Climate: Coordinating Multidisciplinary Collaborative Research with The Chitimacha Tribe of Louisiana”. Southeastern Archaeological Conference, Little Rock, Arkansas.
Hanson, T., Mehta, J. Koliou, M., Gonzalez, A., Kaihatu, J., Meyer, M., Nolan, S., Puppala, A., Purdum, C., Sideris, P., Wang, H., Yu, S., Pinell, S., and Walden, K. (Fall 2022). “Convergent Science and Collaborative Approaches to Climate Hazard Mitigation.: Southeastern Archaeological Conference, Little Rock, Arkansas.
Yu, S., Newman, G., Berke, P., Li, X. (November 2022). “Plan Integration for Ecological Resilience: Examine Factors Associated with Wetland Alteration.” Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning (ACSP) Conference, Toronto, Canada.
Siam, M. R., Wang, H., Lindell, M. K., Vlahogianni, E., & Axhausen, K. W. (January 2023). “Wildfire preparedness and resilience: Evacuation logistics and household preparation time estimations”, 102nd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board (TRB 2023).
Yu, S. (April 2023). “Resilience Planning in a Changing Climate: Comparing Local Approaches.” Urban Affairs Association Conference (UAA), Nashville, TN.
Mehta, J. M. (April 2023). “Indigenous Monumental Architecture of the Mississippi River Delta: Biodiversity and Resilience”. The Forgotten Canopy, American Indian Studies Center, UCLA Center for 17th- & 18th-Century Studies, UCLA Latin American Institute, UCLA Terra Foundation for American Art William Andrews Clark Memorial Library, UCLA, Los Angeles.
Gupta, H. S.*, Jnad, R., González, A. D., & Kameshwar, S. (May 2023). “Optimal evacuation planning for communities under tsunami hazard using multi-objective optimization”. IISE Annual Conference and Expo.
Yu, S. (July 2023). “Climate Adaptation and Resilience: Tools for Equitable Planning.” Natural Hazards Research and Applications Workshop (NHW) – Broomfield, CO.
Braik, A. M. *, & Koliou, M. (August 2023). “A Novel Digital Twin Framework of Electric Power Infrastructure Systems Subjected to Strong-Wind Hazards”. Tornado Hazard Wind Assessment and Reduction Symposium (THWARTS 2023), The University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL.
Gupta, H. S. *, Nofal., O. M., González, A. D., Nicholson, C. D., van de Lindt JW. (October 2023). “Bi-level Optimization Approach for Optimal Selection of Building and Community Level Mitigation Measures under Flooding Hazard”, INFORMS Annual Meeting 2023.
Mehta, J. M., & Nolan, S. (October 2023). “Shell Midden Landscapes of the Western Atchafalaya Basin”. Southeastern Archaeological Conference, Chattanooga, Georgia.
Braik, A. M. *, & Koliou, M. (February 2024). “A Dynamic Digital Twin Framework for Resilient Electric Power Restoration after Hurricanes”. Disaster Preparedness, Response, Innovation, Mitigation, and Recovery Conference (Disaster PRIMR 2024), Texas A&M University, College Station, TX.
Yu, S. (February 2024). “Examining factors influencing plan integration for community resilience at the district scale in six US coastal cities using Hierarchical Linear Modeling”, 2024 Gulf of Mexico Conference (GOMCON), Tampa, FL.
Braik, A. M. *, & Koliou, M. (May 2024). “AI-Driven Assessment and Large-Scale Mapping of Post Disaster Building Damage by Integrating Deep Learning, Satellite Imagery, And GIS”. Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference and Probabilistic Mechanics & Reliability Conference (EMI/PMC 2024), Chicago, IL.
Chimauriya, Hiramani R. *, Biswas, Nripojyoti, Puppala, Anand J., Gajurel, Amit. (2024) “Effect of Storm Surge Induced Scour on the Bearing Capacity of Shallow Foundation for Coastal Residential Building”, GeoenvironMeet, 2024.
Chimauriya, Hiramani R. *, Biswas, Nripojyoti, Puppala, Anand J., Gajurel, Amit. (2025) “Development of Machine Learning Based Surrogate Models Using Fully-coupled 3-D Numerical Analysis of Scour Around Slab-on-Grade Foundations”, ASCE GeoFrontiers, 2025 (accepted).
Gupta, H. S. *, Gonzalez, A. D., Nicholson, C. D. (May 2024) “Building Flood-Resilient Communities through Strategic Retrofitting of Buildings under Uncertainty”, IISE Annual Conference and Expo. IISE.
Gupta, H. S. *, Gonzalez, A. D., Jnad, R., & Kameshwar, S. (June 2024) “Fairness-Driven Multi-Objective Optimization for Evacuation Planning in Natural Disasters” Proceedings of the ASCE International Conference on Transportation & Development.
Haire, E. *, Mehta, J. M., & Nolan, S. (2024). “Inland Trails and Coastal Villages: Investigating Ancient Settlements in Louisiana.” Louisiana Archaeological Society, Lafayette, LA.
Liu, C., Staes, B. M., & Wang, H. (2024). Evacuation Time Estimate Analysis for Pedestrian during Near-Field Tsunami. Western District ITE Annual Meeting, Sacramental, CA. (Presentation).
Poster Presentations
Gupta, H. S.*, Nofal., O. M., González, A. D., Nicholson, C. D., van de Lindt JW. (October 2022). “Multi-Objective Optimization of Mitigation Strategies for Buildings Subject to Multiple Hazards.” University Research Day 2024, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK.
Gupta, H. S.*, Nofal., O. M., González, A. D., Nicholson, C. D., van de Lindt JW. (October 2023). “Optimal Selection of Short- and Long-Term Mitigation Strategies for Buildings within Communities under Flooding Hazard.” University Research Day 2023, the University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK. [Winner of the PhD Student Poster Presentation Track]
Braik, A.M.*, & Koliou, M. (October 2023), “Enhancing Community Resilience to Hurricanes: A Digital Twin Framework for Electric Power Restoration”, Center for Infrastructure Renewal (CIR) Poster Session, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX.
Braik, A.M.*, & Koliou, M. (November 2023), “Enhancing Community Resilience to Hurricanes: A Digital Twin Framework for Electric Power Restoration”, CEEAC Poster Session, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX.
Andrew, X. M.*, Kaihatu, M. J. (November 2023), “Integrated Hurricane Induced Coastal Flooding Model around Atchafalaya Basin”, CEEAC Poster Session, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX.
Braik, A. M.*, & Koliou, M. (February 2024). “A Digital Twin Framework for Efficient Electric Power Restoration and Resilient Recovery in the Aftermath of Hurricanes Considering the Interdependencies with Road Network and Essential Facilities”. NHERI Computational Symposium, The University of California, Los Angeles, CA.
Chimauriya, H. R., Ma, X., Puppala, A. J., Kaihatu, J. (October 2023), “Influence of Hurricane Induced Storm Surge and Scour on Foundation Safety”, Center for Infrastructure Renewal (CIR) Poster Session, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX.
Chimauriya, H. R.*, Biswas, N., Gajurel, A., Puppala, A. J., Koliou, M., (February 2024) “Development of Surrogate Model to Estimate Scour Around Residential Foundations Using Fully-Coupled 3D Numerical Simulation.” NHERI Computational Symposium, The University of California, Los Angeles, CA.
Andrew, X. M.*, Kaihatu, M. J. (February 2024). “Numerical simulation of hurricane induced riverine-coastal flooding on communities of the Atchafalaya Basin”. NHERI Computational Symposium, The University of California, Los Angeles, CA.
Hanson T. and Higgins, S. (March 2024) “Vegetation Survey Methods at Inland Shell Mound Sites.” Society for American Archaeology, New Orleans, LA.
Haire, E.* (March 2024) “The Chitimacha Migration to the Eastern Atchafalaya Basin”. Society for American Archaeology, New Orleans LA.
Mehta, J. and Ritchison, B. (March 2024) “The New Normal: Approaches to Studying, Documenting, and Mitigating Climate Change.” Society for American Archaeology New Orleans LA.
Gupta, H. S.*, Gonzalez, A. D., Jnad, R., & Kameshwar, S. (June 2024) “Fairness-Driven Multi-Objective Optimization for Evacuation Planning in Natural Disasters” ASCE International Conference on Transportation & Development.
Thesis and Dissertations
Gupta, H.S. (2022) “Optimal Selection of Short-and Long-Term Mitigation Strategies for Flooding Hazard” Master’s Thesis, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK, USA. (Best Master’s Thesis Award from the School of Industrial and Systems Engineering)
Wojtala, Patrick (2023) “A Method For Studying How Indigenous Mound Sites Affect Biodiversity In The Atchafalaya River Basin”, Master’s Thesis, Florida State University, Department of Anthropology, Tallahassee, FL, USA.
Hoang, J. (2024). “Enhancing Community Resilience in St. Mary Parish, Louisiana: Using Social Vulnerability Indices for Effective Hazard Planning”, Master of Urban Planning professional paper, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA.
Elizabeth Haire (2024) “Indigenous migration and archaeology”. Master’s Thesis, Florida State University, Department of Anthropology, Tallahassee, FL, USA.
Invited Lectures and Seminars
Mehta, J. M. (February 2022). “Archaeological Heritage of the Mississippi River Delta.” Louisiana Archaeological Society, Baton Rouge, LA.
Koliou, M. (March 2022). “Disaster Resilience Community-level Simulation Models to Enable Decision Making”, Center for Infrastructure Engineering Studies (CIES) Webinar Series, Missouri University of Science and Technology.
Koliou, M. (October 2022). “Community-level simulations for decision making support”, Graduate Seminar at Texas A&M University – Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering – Division: Environmental, Water Resources & Coastal Engineering, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX.
Mehta, J. M. (October 2023). “Fighting Processes of Historical Erasure in Louisiana: Climate change, Industrial Development, and Cultural Heritage.” Archaeological Institute of America, Athens, Georgia.
Koliou, M. (December 2023). Panelist at the NAAHDRI webinar series on “Writing Large Research Proposals: The Insider Scoop”.
Mehta, J. M. (February 2024). “Fighting Processes of Historical Erasure in Louisiana: Climate change, Industrial Development, and Cultural Heritage.” Archaeological Institute of America, Tucson, Arizona.
Koliou, M. (April 2024). “Community-level Simulations via Digital Twins and Agent-Based Models for Decision-making Support”, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC-BarcelonaTech), Barcelona, Spain.