The CHSD Academic Circle is an advisory board that directly connects the center to each college at Texas A&M University.

The Academic Circle advises the center on:

  • Which faculty should be fellows
  • Classes that would be good electives for the certificate
  • Research opportunities 

The Center for Health Systems & Design is the first research unit to create a group of this kind.

The Power of Connections

The Academic Circle empowers our mission as a research hub for health systems and design. This unique advisory board gives us the ability to quickly connect people across the university.

People can come to us with a research problem and we can connect them to relevant faculty and deans in every college.


The Academic Circle consists of a representative from each college at Texas A&M University. 

College of Agriculture and Life SciencesMary Bryk, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
College of ArchitectureJorge Vanegas, Dean
Bush School of Government and Public ServiceFrank Ashley, Senior Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
School of DentistryLawrence Wolinsky, Dean
School of Education & Human DevelopmentRichard Kreider, Department Head, Health & Kinesiology
College of Engineering
College of GeosciencesDeborah Thomas, Dean
School of InnovationAndrew Morriss, Dean
School of LawTimothy Mulvaney, Professor
College of Liberal ArtsMaria Escobar-Lemmon, Associate Dean for Research & Graduate Education
Texas A&M University LibrariesStephanie Fulton, Associate Dean
Mays Business SchoolArvind Mahajan, Associate Dean
School of MedicineMichael Spohn, BCS Campus Associate Dean
School of NursingNancy Fahrenwald, Dean
Irma Lerma Rangel School of PharmacyMansoor Khan, Vice Dean
School of Public HealthJason Maddock, Chief Wellness Officer
College of ScienceJames Batteas, Professor
School of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical SciencesIvan Rusyn, Professor
Texas A&M University GalvestonAntonietta Quigg, Dean