The collection of recent books, monographs, research reports, articles, preliminary papers and visuals listed on this website have been produced by faculty and research scientists of the Hazard Reduction and Recovery Center (HRRC). Most of the publications are available from the HRRC via email in PDF form. Single copies of copyrighted material are available only for research and teaching purposes. If you would like a copy, please contact the HRRC for availability and other information.

Books and monographs
Articles and book chapters
Research reports
Preliminary Papers

Books and Monographs

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Hazard Mitigation Training for Vulnerable Communities: A K.A.P.S. (Knowledge, Attitude, Preparedness, Skills) Approach

Joy Semien, Earthea Nance

Available from: RoutledgeAmazon | Indiebound

Book cover of Engaged

Engaged research for community resilience to climate change

Shannon Van Zandt, Jaimie Masterson, Galen Newman, and Michelle Annette Meyer
Available from: Elsevier |  Amazon | Indiebound

Book cover of The

The Routledge Handbook of Urban Disaster Resilience: Integrating Mitigation, Preparedness, and Recovery Planning

Michael Lindell (Editor)
Available from: Routledge | Amazon | Bookshop | Indiebound

Book cover of Planning

Planning for community resilience: A handbook for reducing vulnerability to disasters

Jaimie Hicks Masterson, Walter Gillis Peacock, Shannon S. Van Zandt, Himanshu Grover, Lori Field Schwarz, John T. Cooper, Jr. 2014 Island Press
Available from: Island Press | Amazon

Book cover of Rising

Rising waters: the causes and consequences of flooding in the United States

Samuel D. Brody, Wesley E. Highfield and Jung Eun Kang 2011 Cambridge University Press
Available from: Cambridge University Press | Amazon

Book cover of Ecosystem

Ecosystem Planning in Florida

Samuel David Brody 2008, ASHGATE Publishing Company
Available from: Amazon

Book cover of Living

Living Conditions, Disasters, and Development

Fredrick L. Bates and Walter Gillis Peacock 2008, University of Georgia Press
Available from: University of Georgia Press |Amazon

Book cover of Introduction

Introduction to Emergency Management

Michael K. Lindell, Carla Prater and Ronald W. Perry 2006, John Wiley and Sons Inc. Publishing Company
Available in paperback or hardback from: Amazon

Book cover of Emergency

Emergency Planning

Ronald W. Perry and Michael K. Lindell 2006, John Wiley and Sons Inc. Publishing Company
Available in paperback or hardback from: Amazon

Book cover

Fundamentals of Emergency Management

Michael K. Lindell, Carla S. Prater and Ronald W. Perry 2006, FEMA
Available free online: PDF

Book cover of Communicating

Communicating Environmental Risk in Multiethnic Communities

Michael K. Lindell and Ronald W. Perry 2004, Sage Publications
Available from: Sage | Amazon

Book cover of Ecological

Ecological Planning: A Historical and Comparative Synthesis

Forster Ndubisi 2002 Johns Hopkins Press
Available from: Johns Hopkins Press | Amazon

Book cover of Facing

Facing the Unexpected: Disaster Preparedness in the United States

Kathleen J. Tierney, Michael K. Lindell, and Ronald W. Perry 2001, Joseph Henry Press (National Academies Press)
Available from: National Academies Press | Amazon

Paperback book cover of Hurricane

Hurricane Andrew: Ethnicity, Gender and the Sociology of Disaster (paperback)

Walter Gillis Peacock, Betty Hearn Morrow and Hugh Gladwin 2000, Hazard Reduction and Recovery Center
Order Paperback ($20) online at: Texas A&M

Book cover of Hurricane

Hurricane Andrew: Ethnicity, Gender and the Sociology of Disaster (hardback)

Walter Gillis Peacock, Betty Hearn Morrow and Hugh Gladwin 1007, Routledge
Available from: Routledge | Amazon

Book cover of Behavioral

Behavioral Foundations of Community Emergency Management

Michael K. Lindell and Ronald W. Perry 1992, Taylor & Francis
Available from: Amazon

Articles & Book Chapters

Peer-reviewed publications on hazard and disaster topics by HRRC core faculty are listed by year below. 

*indicates student


Álvarez, Z., Bauman, T., Dominick, A., Messenger, T., Purdam, C., & Vickery, J. (2023). The reproduction of vulnerability: the incarceration and homelessness transcript for the Disasters: Deconstructed livestream on 31 March 2022. Disaster Prevention and Management: An International Journal, 32(3), 432-442.


Amini, M., Sanderson, D. R., Cox, D. T., Barbosa, A. R., & Rosenheim, N. (2023). Methodology to incorporate seismic damage and debris to evaluate strategies to reduce life safety risk for multi-hazard earthquake and tsunami. Natural Hazards.


Atoba, K., Newman, G., & Sansom, G. (2023). Multi-Hazard property buyouts: Making a case for the acquisition of flood and contaminant-prone residential properties in Galena Park, TX. Climate Risk Management, 41, 100529.


Ballesteros, L. M. S., Poleacovschi, C., Weems, C. F., Zambrana, I. G., & Talbot, J. (2023). Evaluating the interaction effects of housing vulnerability and socioeconomic vulnerability on self-perceptions of psychological resilience in Puerto Rico. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 84, 103476.


Ballesteros, L. M., Poleacovschi, C., García, I., Weems, C. F., Ikuma, K., & Rehmann, C. R. (2023). The Role of Housing and Community Infrastructure in Successful Aging in Disaster-Vulnerable Areas. Available at SSRN 4617981.


Cai, Z., Zhu, R., Ruggiero, E., Newman, G., & Horney, J. (2023). Calculating the Environmental Impacts of Low-Impact Development Using Long-Term Hydrologic Impact Assessment: A Review of Model Applications. Land, 12(3), 612.


Cai, Z., Newman, G., Lee, J., Ye, X., Retchless, D., Zou, L., & Ham, Y. (2023). Simulating the spatial impacts of a coastal barrier in Galveston Island, Texas: a three-dimensional urban modeling approach. Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk, 14(1).


Canham, S. L., Donovan, M., Rose, J., Jones, S., & García, I. (2023). Transportation needs and mobility patterns of persons experiencing homelessness following shelter decentralization. Evaluation and Program Planning, 99, 102306.


Casellas Connors, J. P., Safayet, M., Rosenheim, N., & Watson, M. (2023). Assessing changes in food pantry access after extreme events. Agriculture and Human Values, 40(2), 619-634.


Chang, S., Wilkho, R. S., Gharaibeh, N., Sansom, G., Meyer, M., Olivera, F., & Zou, L. (2023). Environmental, climatic, and situational factors influencing the probability of fatality or injury occurrence in flash flooding: a rare event logistic regression predictive model. Natural Hazards, 116(3), 3957-3978.


Chmutina, K., von Meding, J., Williams, D. A., Vickery, J., & Purdum, C. (2023). From pity to fear: security as a mechanism for (re) production of vulnerability. Disasters, 47(3), 546-562.


Clavin, C. T., Helgeson, J., Malecha, M., & Shrivastava, S. (2023). A call for a national community resilience extension partnership to bridge resilience research to communities. npj Urban Sustainability, 3(1), 21.


Gao, G., Ye, X., Li, S., Huang, X., Ning, H., Retchless, D., & Li, Z. (2023). Exploring Flood Mitigation Governance by Estimating First-Floor Elevation via Deep Learning and Google Street View in Coastal Texas. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science.


García, I., & Hernandez, N. (2023). They’re just trying to survive: The relationship between social vulnerability, informal housing, and environmental risks in Loíza, Puerto Rico, USA. World Development Sustainability, 2, 100062.


García, I., Miller, S., & Holmes, T. (2023). Rural communities challenges and ResilientSEE: Case studies from disasters in Florida, Puerto Rico, and North Carolina. Social Sciences & Humanities Open, 7(1), 100412.


Gharaibeh, N. G., Lee, C. C., Alhalbouni, T., Wang, F., Lee, J., Newman, G., & Van Zandt, S. (2023). Quality of Stormwater Infrastructure Systems in Vulnerable Communities: Three Case Studies from Texas. Public Works Management & Policy, 28(4), 518-536.


Ghezelloo, Y., Kondo, T., Maly, E., Stanley, M., & Meyer, M. (2023). Rationale and processes of residential buyout programs: A review on buyout regulations and consequences in Japan and the US. Japan Architectural Review, 6(1), e12344.


Greer, V. C., Hong, A., Canham, S. L., Agutter, J., Garcia, I., Van Natter, J. M., & Caylor, N. (2023). From Sheltered in Place to Thriving in Place: Pandemic Places of Aging. The Gerontologist.


Hillin, J., Kharazi, B. A., Li, D., Thompson, C. M., Meyer, M. A., Zhang, Z., & Behzadan, A. H. (2023). Designing user-centered decision support systems for climate disasters: What information do communities and rescue responders need during floods? Journal of Emergency Management.


Hui, R. H., Abimbola, O., Walter, S., & Newman, G. (2023). Geodesign for multi-scalar consensus: Lessons from flood adaptation pathways planning. Landscape Research Record, 11, 72.


Infield, E., Shi, L., García, I., Minner, J., Whittington, J., Goh, K., & Stone, B. (2023). Planning for Climate Leadership. Journal of Planning Education and Research, 43(4), 750-757.


Jang, S., Newman, G., Meyer, M., & Van Zandt, S. (2023). Social capital theory and quantitative approaches in measurements: A disaster literature focus. Natural Hazards Review, 25(3), 04024015.


Lam, N. S., Meyer, M., Reams, M., Yang, S., Lee, K., Zou, L., & Cai, H. (2023). Improving social media use for disaster resilience: challenges and strategies. International Journal of Digital Earth, 16(1), 3023-3044.


Lee, R. J., Tao, Z., Prybutok, S., Jang, S., Dalaijamts, C., Chiu, W. A., & Newman, G. (2023). Unseen risk: Mapping contamination hazards to enhance risk perception in Galena Park, Texas. Climate Risk Management, 41, 100532.


Lee, R. J., Day, W., Abuabara, A., Newman, G., & Peacock, W. (2023). The effects of flood buyouts and green infrastructure on nearby property values. Lincoln Land Institute: WP23RJL1.


Li, D., Zhang, Y., Li, X., Meyer, M., Bazan, M., & Brown, R. D. (2023). I didn’t know what to expect or What to do: Impacts of a severe winter storm on residents of subsidized housing in Texas. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 84, 103456.


Li, D., Zhang, Z., Alizadeh, B., Zhang, Z., Duffield, N., Meyer, M. A., Thompson, C. M., Gao, H., & Behzadan, A. H. (2023). A reinforcement learning-based routing algorithm for large street networks. International Journal of Geographical Information Science.


Masterson, J., Katare, A., Thapa, J., Malecha, M., Yu, S., & Berke, P. (2023). Plan integration and plan quality: combining assessment tools to align local infrastructure priorities to reduce hazard vulnerability. Sustainable and Resilient Infrastructure, 8(4), 359-374.


Meyer, M. A., Alexander-Hawk, M., Purdum, J. C., Yelle, H., Vick, J., Rodriguez, A., & Taylor, K. A. (2023). Resilience in recovery? Understanding the extent, structure, and operations of nonprofits meant to address disaster survivors’ unmet needs. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 52(4), 979-1005.


Newman, G., Malecha, M., & Atoba, K. (2023). Integrating ToxPi outputs with ArcGIS Dashboards to identify neighborhood threat levels of contaminant transferal during flood events. Journal of Spatial Science, 68(1), 57-69.


Nofal, O. M., Amini, K., Padgett, J. E., van de Lindt, J. W., Rosenheim, N., Darestani, Y. M., & Duenas-Osorio, L. (2023). Multi-hazard socio-physical resilience assessment of hurricane-induced hazards on coastal communities. Resilient Cities and Structures, 2(2), 67-81.


Nofal, O., Rosenheim, N., Patil, J., Zhou, X., Kameshwar, S., van de Lindt, J. W., & Duenas-Osorio, L. (2023). Community-level approach for a socio-physical flood post-hazard functionality assessment. In ASCE Inspire 2023 (pp. 339-348).


Nofal, O. M., Rosenheim, N., Kameshwar, S., Patil, J., Zhou, X., van de Lindt, J. W., Duenas-Osorio, L., Cha, E. J., Endrami, A., Sutley, E., Cutler, H., Lu, T., Wang, C., & Jeon, H. (2023). Community-level Interdependent Population-Building-Infrastructure Post-Hazard Functionality Methodology for Buildings Exposed to Flood Hazards. Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering.


Park, K., García, I., & Kim, K. (2023). Who visited parks and trails more or less during the COVID-19 pandemic, and how? A mixed-methods study. Landscape Research Record, 11, 157-171.


Purdum, J. C. (2023). The Volunteering Days is Gone: All-Hazard Incarcerated Firefighters and Rural Disinvestment. Rural Sociology, 88(2), 312-336.


Rehn, K., Canham, S. L., Rose, J., Jones, S., & Garcia, I. (2024). Visits to social and community establishments and services by persons experiencing homelessness after shelter decentralization. Journal of Social Distress and Homelessness, 33(2), 413-424.


Rising, H. H., & Newman, G. (2023). Design for Storm Surge Flooding Adaptation: Facilitating Emergency Evacuation with Adaptive Landscape Form-Based Codes. Journal of Planning Education and Research, 0(0).


Sansom, G. T., Hernandez, R., Johnson, J. N., Newman, G., Atoba, K., Masterson, J. H., & Fawkes, L. S. (2023). Evaluating the impact of proximity to reported toxic release facilities and flood events on chronic health outcomes in the city of Galena Park, Texas. Climate Risk Management, 40, 100507.


Song, Y., Lee, C., Lee, R. J., Sohn, W. M., Tao, Z., Ding, Y., & Newman, G. (2023). COVID-19 and campus users: A longitudinal and place-based study of university mobilities in Texas. Sustainable Cities and Society, 96, 104656.


Stanley, M., Hotard, A., Pilgreen, D., & Meyer, M. (2023). Critical Review of National Flood Policy Outcomes. Journal of Homeland Security and Emergency Management, 20(3), 239-269.


Tu, S., & Yu, S. (2023). Urban Planning for Climate Change: Comparing Climate Adaptation Plans between Taipei and Boston. Sustainability, 15(2), 934.


van de Lindt, J. W., Kruse, J., Cox, D. T., Gardoni, P., Lee, J. S., Padgett, J., & Hamideh, S. (2023). The interdependent networked community resilience modeling environment (IN-CORE). Resilient Cities and Structures, 2(2), 57-66.


Wang, C., Antos, S., Gosling-Goldsmith, J., Triveno, L., Zhu, C., Von-Meding, J., & Ye, X. (2023). Assessing Climate Disaster Vulnerability in Peru and Colombia Using Street View Imagery: A Pilot Study. Buildings.


Wang, H., Tassinary, L., & Newman, G. (2023). Developing the health effect assessment of landscape (HEAL) Tool: Assessing the health effects of community greenspace morphology design on non-communicable diseases. Landscape and Urban Planning, 244, 104990.


Wei, Y. D., Wu, Y., Xiao, W., García, I., & Wen, M. (2023). Urban Form, Air Pollution, and Walking Behavior: A Study of Salt Lake County, Utah. Journal of Transport & Health, 33, 101686.


Wu, Y., Wei, Y. D., Liu, M., & García, I. (2023). Green infrastructure inequality in the context of COVID-19: Taking parks and trails as examples. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening.


Ye, X., Du, J., Han, Y., Newman, G., Retchless, D., Zou, L., Ham, Y., & Cai, Z. (2023). Developing Human-Centered Urban Digital Twins for Community Infrastructure Resilience: A Research Agenda. Journal of Planning Literature, 38(2), 187-199.


Ye, X., Li, S., Das, S., & Du, J. (2023). Enhancing routes selection with real-time weather data integration in spatial decision support systems. Spatial Information Research.


Yu, S., Newman, G., Berke, P., & Li, X. (2023). Plan integration for ecological resilience: examining factors associated with wetland alteration. Journal of Planning Education and Research, 0739456X231187117.


Zhu, R., Newman, G., Han, S., Kaihatu, J., & Wang, T. (2023). An Adaptive Toolkit for Projecting the Impact of Green Infrastructure Provisions on Stormwater Runoff and Pollutant Load—A Case Study on the City of Galena Park, Texas, USA. Landscape Architecture Frontiers, 11(2), 72-87.


Zhu, R., Newman, G., Li, G., Song, Y., & Zou, L. (2023). Associations between vacant urban lands and public health outcomes in growing and shrinking cities. Urban Forestry and Urban Greening, 89, 128127.

Zou, L., Liao, D., Lam, N. S., Meyer, M. A., Gharaibeh, N. G., Cai, H., & Li, D. (2023). Social media for emergency rescue: An analysis of rescue requests on Twitter during Hurricane Harvey. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 85, 103513.


Ballesteros, Linnel Marie S., Cristina Poleacovschi, Carl F. Weems, Ivis García Zambrana, and Jessica Talbot. “Evaluating the Interaction Effects of Housing Vulnerability and Socioeconomic Vulnerability on Self-Perceptions of Psychological Resilience in Puerto Rico.” International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 84 (January 1, 2023): 103476.


Bhandari, S., Casillas, G., Aly, N., Zhu, R., Newman, G., Wright, F., Miller, A., Adler, G., Rusyn, I., & Chiu, W. (2022). “Spatial and temporal analysis of impacts of Hurricane Florence on criteria air pollutants.” International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 19 (3): 1757.


Ding, Yizhen, Dongying Li, and Huiyan Sang. “Park Characteristics and Changes in Park Visitation before, during, and after COVID-19 Shelter-in-Place Order.” Sustainability 14, no. 6 (2022): 3579.


Du, Jiaxin, Xinyue Ye, Galen Newman, and David Retchless. 2022. “Network Science-Based Urban Forecast Dashboard.” In Proceedings of the 5th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Advances in Resilient and Intelligent Cities, 7–10. ARIC ’22. New York, NY, USA: Association for Computing Machinery.


Garcia, Ivis, Divya Chandrasekhar, N. Emel Ganapati, Kevin Fagundo Ojeda, Jose E. Velázquez Diaz, and Kaila Williams. “Health-Related Nonprofit Response to Concurrent Disaster Events.” International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 82 (November 1, 2022): 103279.


Han, Yu, and Xinyue Ye. 2022. “Examining the Effects of Flood Damage, Federal Hazard Mitigation Assistance, and Flood Insurance Policy on Population Migration in the Conterminous US between 2010 and 2019.” Urban Climate 46 (December): 101321.


Hannibal, B., Meerow, S., Woodruff, S. C., Roy, M., Gilbertson, P. G., & Matos, M. (2022). “Who collaborates on urban resilience? An analysis of flood resilience planning networks in four coastal cities.” Journal of Urban Affairs, 1-18.


Hendricks, Marccus D., Michelle A. Meyer, and Sacoby M. Wilson. “Moving Up the Ladder in Rising Waters: Community Science in Infrastructure and Hazard Mitigation Planning as a Pathway to Community Control and Flood Disaster Resilience.” Citizen Science: Theory and Practice 7, no. 1 (2022). DOI:


Hillin, Julia, Bahareh A. Kharazi, Diya Li, Courtney M. Thompson, Michelle A. Meyer, Zhe Zhang, and Amir H. Behzadan. (Accepted). “Designing user-centered decision support systems for climate disasters: What information do communities and rescue responders need during floods?” Journal of Emergency Management.


Kharaz, Bahareh Alizadeh, Diya Li, Julia Hillin, Michelle A. Meyer, Courtney Thompson, Zhe Zhang, Amir Behzadan. 2022. “Human-Centered Flood Mapping and Intelligent Routing through Augmenting Flood Gauge Data with Crowdsourced Street Photos.” Advanced Engineering Informatics.


Kirsch, Katie R., Galen D. Newman, Rui Zhu, Thomas J. McDonald, Xiaohui Xu, and Jennifer A. Horney. “Applying and Integrating Urban Contamination Factors into Community Garden Siting.” Journal of Geovisualization and Spatial Analysis 6, no. 2 (November 6, 2022): 33.


Kirsch, Katie R., Thomas J. McDonald, Galen D. Newman, Xiaohui Xu, and Jennifer A. Horney. 2022. “Surveys of Community Garden Affiliates and Soils in Houston, Texas.” Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 194 (5): 330.


Lee, Sungmin, Juha Baek, Se Woong Kim, and Galen Newman. “Tree Canopy, Pediatric Asthma, and Social Vulnerability: An Ecological Study in Connecticut.” Landscape and Urban Planning 225 (September 1, 2022): 104451.


Li, Dongying, Galen D. Newman, Bev Wilson, Yue Zhang, and Robert D. Brown. 2022. “Modeling the Relationships between Historical Redlining, Urban Heat, and Heat-Related Emergency Department Visits: An Examination of 11 Texas Cities.” Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science 49 (3): 933–52.


Li, Xiao, Xiao Huang, Dongying Li, and Yang Xu. “Aggravated social segregation during the COVID-19 pandemic: Evidence from crowdsourced mobility data in twelve most populated US metropolitan areas.” Sustainable Cities and Society 81 (2022): 103869.


Li, Xiaoyu, Yue Zhang, Dongying Li, Yangyang Xu, and Robert D. Brown. “Ameliorating cold stress in a hot climate: Effect of Winter Storm Uri on residents of subsidized housing neighborhoods.” Building and Environment 209 (2022): 108646.

Malecha, M., Yu, S., Roy, M.*, Brand, A.D., & Berke, P. (2022). Plan evaluation for flood-resilient communities: The plan integration for resilience scorecard. In S. Brody, Y. Lee, & B. Kothuis (Eds.), Coastal flood risk reduction in the Netherlands and the U.S. Upper Texas Coast. Elsevier.


Matos, M., Gilbertson, P., Woodruff, S., Meerow, S., Roy, M., & Hannibal, B. (2022). “Comparing hazard mitigation and climate change adaptation planning approaches.” Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 1-21.


Meyer, Michelle Annette, Mason Alexander-Hawk, J. Carlee Purdum, Haley Yelle, Jordan Vick, Adrian Rodriguez, Saul Romero, and Kenneth Anderson Taylor. “Resilience in Recovery? Understanding the Extent, Structure, and Operations of Nonprofits Meant to Address Disaster Survivors’ Unmet Needs.” Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly (2022): 08997640221138265.


Newman, Galen, Garett T. Sansom, Siyu Yu, Katie R. Kirsch, Dongying Li, Youjung Kim, Jennifer A. Horney, Gunwoo Kim, and Saima Musharrat. 2022. “A Framework for Evaluating the Effects of Green Infrastructure in Mitigating Pollutant Transferal and Flood Events in Sunnyside, Houston, TX.” Sustainability.


Newman, G., Cai, Z., Horney, J., & Lyu, W. (2022). “Reducing threats from Contamination and Flood Damage: Restoring the Brandywine Riverine Edge.” Landscape Architecture Frontiers 10(1): 71-81.


Newman, Galen, Dongying Li, and Yunmi Park. 2022. “The Relationships between Neighbourhood Vacancy, Probable PTSD, and Health-Related Quality of Life in Flood-Disaster-Impacted Communities.” Urban Studies 59 (15): 3077–97.


Pi, Yalong, Xinyue Ye, Nick Duffield, and on behalf of the Microsoft AI for Humanitarian Action Group. 2022. “Rapid Damage Estimation of Texas Winter Storm Uri from Social Media Using Deep Neural Networks.” Urban Science 6 (3): 62.


Rising, H., Olorode, A., Segovia, W., & Newman, G. (2022). “Geodesign for Multi-scalar Consensus: Lessons from Flood Adaptation Pathways Planning.” Landscape Research Record 11(1): 72-84.


Rumbach, Andrew, Esther Sullivan, Shelley McMullen, and Carrie Makarewicz. 2022. “You Don’t Need Zoning to Be Exclusionary: Manufactured Home Parks, Land-Use Regulations and Housing Segregation in the Houston Metropolitan Area.” Land Use Policy 123 (December): 106422.


Sullivan, Esther, Carrie Makarewicz, and Andrew Rumbach. “Affordable but Marginalized: A Sociospatial and Regulatory Analysis of Mobile Home Parks in the Houston Metropolitan Area.” Journal of the American Planning Association 88, no. 2 (2022): 232–44.


Teshnehdel, Saeid, Elisa Gatto, Dongying Li, and Robert D. Brown. “Improving Outdoor Thermal Comfort in a Steppe Climate: Effect of Water and Trees in an Urban Park.” Land 11, no. 3 (2022): 431.


Woodruff, Sierra, Jinhyun Bae, Wonmin Sohn, Galen Newman, Tho Tran, Jessica Lee, Chandler Wilkins, Shannon Van Zandt, and Forster Ndubisi. 2022. “Planning, Development Pressure, and Change in Green Infrastructure Quantity and Configuration in Coastal Texas.” Land Use Policy 114 (March): 105893.


Woodruff, S., Meerow, S., Hannibal, B., Matos, M., Roy, M., & Gilbertson, P. (2022). “More than the sum of their parts: Approaches to understand a network of plans.” Journal of Planning Education and Research, 0739456X221096395.


Woodruff, Sierra C., Sara Meerow, Missy Stults, and Chandler Wilkins. “Adaptation to resilience planning: Alternative pathways to prepare for climate change.” Journal of Planning Education and Research 42, no. 1 (2022): 64-75.


Ye, Xinyue, and Dev Niyogi. 2022. “Resilience of Human Settlements to Climate Change Needs the Convergence of Urban Planning and Urban Climate Science.” Computational Urban Science 2 (1): 6.

Ye, Xinyue, Jiaxin Du, Yu Han, Galen Newman, David Retchless, Lei Zou, Youngjib Ham, and Zhenhang Cai. 2022. “Developing Human-Centered Urban Digital Twins for Community Infrastructure Resilience: A Research Agenda.” Journal of Planning Literature, November, 08854122221137861.


Ali, Sajjad, Liu Ying, Adnan Nazir, Abdullah, Muhammad Ishaq, Tariq Shah, Xinyue Ye, Aasir Ilyas and Azam Tariq. 2021. “Rural Farmers Perception and Coping Strategies Towards Climate Change and Their Determinants: Evidence from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province, Pakistan.” Journal of Cleaner Production291:125250. doi:


Aly, Noor A., Gaston Casillas, Yu-Syuan Luo, Thomas J. McDonald, Terry L. Wade, *Rui Zhu, Galen Newman, Dillon Lloyd, Fred A. Wright, Weihsueh A. Chiu, and Ivan Rusyn. 2021. “Environmental impacts of Hurricane Florence flooding in eastern North Carolina: temporal analysis of contaminant distribution and potential human health risks.”  Journal of Exposure Science & Environmental Epidemiology. doi: 10.1038/s41370-021-00325-5.


Atoba, Kayode, Galen Newman, Samuel Brody, Wesley Highfield, *Youjung Kim, and Andrew Juan. 2021. “Buy them out before they are built: evaluating the proactive acquisition of vacant land in flood-prone areas.”  Environmental Conservation:1-9. doi: 10.1017/S0376892921000059.


Breen*, Kyle and Michelle Annette Meyer.  (2021). “Staying Above Water: Educational Outcomes of College Students during the 2016 Louisiana Flood.” International Journal of Mass Emergencies and Disasters.


Fereshtehnejad, Ehsan, Ioannis Gidaris, Nathanael Rosenheim, Tori Tomiczek, Jamie E. Padgett, Daniel T. Cox, Shannon Van Zandt and Walter Gillis Peacock. 2021. “Probabilistic Risk Assessment of Coupled Natural-Physical-Social Systems: Cascading Impact of Hurricane-Induced Damages to Civil Infrastructure in Galveston, Texas.” Natural Hazards Review 22(3):04021013. doi: doi:10.1061/(ASCE)NH.1527-6996.0000459


Gong, Xi and Xinyue Ye. 2021. “Governors Fighting Crisis: Responses to the Covid-19 Pandemic across U.S. States on Twitter.” The Professional Geographer:1-19. doi: 10.1080/00330124.2021.1895850.


Hamideh, Sara, Walter Gillis Peacock and Shannon Van Zandt. 2021. “Housing Type Matters for Pace of Recovery: Evidence from Hurricane Ike.” International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 57:102149. doi:


Hannibal, B., Woodruff, S., & Malecha, M. (2021). The Overlap of Collaboration and Planning Networks: A Post-Harvey Study. Journal of Planning Education and Research.


Hendricks, Marccus D. and Michelle Annette Meyer. (2021). “Social Vulnerability to Technological Disaster: Housing Damage and Rebuilding Outcomes from the West, Texas Fertilizer Plant Explosion.” Journal of Planning Education and Research.  doi:10.1177/0739456X211002910Huang, Xiao, Zhenlong Li, Yuqin Jiang, Xinyue Ye, Chengbin Deng, Jiajia Zhang and Xiaoming Li. 2021. “The Characteristics of Multi-Source Mobility Datasets and How They Reveal the Luxury Nature of Social Distancing in the U.S. During the Covid-19 Pandemic.” International Journal of Digital Earth 14(4):424-42. doi: 10.1080/17538947.2021.1886358.


Lindt, John W. van de, Walter Gillis Peacock, Judith Mitrani-Reiser, Nathanael Rosenheim, Derya Deniz, Maria Dillard, Tori Tomiczek, Maria Koliou, Andrew Graettinger, P. Shane Crawford, Kenneth Harrison, Andre Barbosa, Jennifer Tobin, Jennifer Helgeson, Lori Peek,


Memari, Mehrdad, Elaina J. Sutley, Sara Hamideh, Donghwan Gu, Stephen Cauffman and Juan Fung. 2020. “Community Resilience-Focused Technical Investigation of the 2016 Lumberton, North Carolina, Flood: An Interdisciplinary Approach.” Natural Hazards Review 21(3):04020029. doi: doi:10.1061/(ASCE)NH.1527-6996.0000387.


Malecha, Matthew L., Katie R. Kirsch, Ibraheem Karaye, Jennifer A. Horney, and Galen Newman. 2020. “Advancing the Toxics Mobility Inventory: Development and Application of a Toxics Mobility Vulnerability Index to Harris County, Texas.”  Sustainability13 (6):282-291. doi: 10.1089/sus.2020.0067.


Newman, Galen, Matthew Malecha & Kayode Atoba (2021) Integrating ToxPi outputs with ArcGIS Dashboards to identify neighborhood threat levels of contaminant transferal during flood events, Journal of Spatial Science, DOI: 10.1080/14498596.2021.1891149


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Research Reports


22-01R (PDF) Extreme Temperatures and COVID19 in Texas Prisons. J. Carlee Purdum, Amite Dominick, and Benika Dixon.

21-01R (PDF) Business Disruption and Recover Post Hurricane Harvey in Southeast Texas (SETX). Michelle Meyer, Joy Semien

INSPIRE Report (PDF) INtegrating Science & Practice to Improve REsilience Report. Hazard Reduction & Recovery Ceneter, Texas Division of Emergency Management

19-01R (PDF) Research in Support of Floodplain Management Regulations Compliance of Substantially Damaged Properties. Paula Lorente, Jaimie Masterson, Phil Berke

14-05R (PDF) Actors in Disaster Cycle, Analysis of Six Recovery Plans, and Financial Sources for Post-Disaster Community Recovery. Faisal Aldalbahi, Tiffany Cousins, Kristie Franks, Nur Hamidah, Kalen Herring, Ridvan Kirimli, Ricardo Maga Rojas, Robert McCharen, William Paiz-Tabash, Ellen Phillips, Jeewasmi Thapa, Andrew Wallick, Wenqian Yan, Yixun Zhang, Maria Watson

14-04R (PDF) Vulnerability Assessment for West, TX. Yu Xiao, Faisal Aldalbahi, Tiffany Cousins, Kristie Franks, Nur Hamidah, Kalen Herring, Ridvan Kirimli, Ricardo Maga Rojas, Robert McCharen, William Paiz-Tabash, Ellen Phillips, Jeewasmi Thapa, Andrew Wallick, Wenqian Yan, Yixun Zhang, Maria Watson

14-03R (PDF) Vulnerability Assessment for Hood County, TX. Yu Xiao, Faisal Aldalbahi, Tiffany Cousins, Kristie Franks, Nur Hamidah, Kalen Herring, Ridvan Kirimli, Ricardo Maga Rojas, Robert McCharen, William Paiz-Tabash, Ellen Phillips, Jeewasmi Thapa, Andrew Wallick, Wenqian Yan, Yixun Zhang, Maria Watson

14-02R (PDF) West, Texas Disaster Recovery Year 1. Michelle Meyer, David Bierling, John Cooper, Walter Peacock, Shannon Van Zandt, Sara Hamideh, Marcus Hendricks, and Joel Mendez

14-01R (PDF) Hood County Disaster Recovery Year 1. Michelle Meyer, David Bierling, John Cooper, Walter Peacock, Shannon Van Zandt, Sara Hamideh, Marccus Hendricks, and Joel Mendez

13-01R (PDF) Behavioral Study, Valley Hurricane Evacuation Study, Willacy, Cameron, and Hidalgo Counties, Texas.  Michael K. Lindell, Yue Ge, Shih-Kai Huang, Carla S. Prater, Hao-Che Wu, HungLung Wei

12-02R (PDF) Workshop on Weather Ready Nation: Science Imperatives for Severe Thunderstorm Research. Michael K. Lindell and Harold Brooks

12-01R (PDF) Impact of Lake-Level Reductions on Lake Conroe Area: Lake Area Property Values, Property Tax Revenues and Sales Tax Revenues. George Oliver Rogers, Georgianne W. Moore, Jesse Saginor, Samuel D. Brody, Gabriel R. Burns, Theepakorn Jithitikulcha, and Travis Young

11-05R (PDF) Status and Trends of Coastal Vulnerability to Natural Hazards Project; Annual Report for Phase 4. Walter Gillis Peacock, Himanshu Grover, Douglas Wunneburger, Samuel D. Brody,Shannon Van Zandt, Rahmawati Husein, Hee Ju Kim, Forster Ndubisi, and June Martin

11-04R (PDF) The Adoption and Implementation of Hazard Mitigation Policies and Strategies by Coastal Jurisdictions in Texas: The Planning Survey Results. Walter Gillis Peacock and Rahmawati Husein

11-03R (PDF) House, D., Cox, J. & Lindell, M.K. (2011). Visualizing Uncertainty in Predicted Hurricane Tracks. College Station TX: Texas A&M University Hazard Reduction & Recovery Center

11-02R (PDF) The Status and Trends of Population Social Vulnerabilities along the Texas Coast with special attention to the Coastal Management Zone and Hurricane Ike: The Coastal Planning Atlas and Social Vulnerability Mapping Tools. Walter Gillis Peacock, Himanshu Grover, Joseph Mayunga, Shannon Van Zandt, Samuel D. Brody and Hee Ju Kim

11-01R (PDF) Status and Trends of Coastal Vulnerability to Natural Hazards Project Annual Report for Phase 3. Walter Gillis Peacock, Samuel D. Brody, Himanshu Grover, Douglas Wunneburger, Jung Eun Kang, Rahmawati Husein, Gabriel R. Burns, Hee Ju Kim, Forster Ndubisi, and June Martin

10-05R (PDF) Perceptions and Expected Responses to a Water Contamination Emergency. Michael K. Lindell, Jeryl L. Mumpower, Carla S. Prater, Hao-Che Wu, and Shih-Kai Hwang

10-04R (PDF) Residents’ Responses to the May 1-4 2010 Boston Water Contamination Incident. Michael K. Lindell, Shih-Kai Huang, and Carla S. Prater

10-03R (PDF) Cox, J., House, D. & Lindell, M.K. (2010). DynaSearch User’s Manual. College Station TX: Texas A&M University Hazard Reduction & Recovery Center.

10-02R (PDF) Advancing the Resilience of Coastal Localities: Developing, Implementing and Sustaining the Use of Coastal Resiliency Indicators: A Final Report.

10-01R (PDF) Status and Trends of Coastal Hazard Exposure and Mitigation Policies for the Texas Coast: The Mitigation Policy Mosaic of Coastal Texas Walter Gillis Peacock, Jung Eun Kang, Yi-Sz Lin, Himanshu Grover, Rahmawati Husein, and Gabriel R. Burns

09-04R (PDF) Status and Trends of Coastal Vulnerability to Natural Hazards Project Annual Report for Phase 2. Walter Gillis Peacock, Samuel D. Brody, Carla Prater, Douglas Wunneburger, Forster Ndubisi, June Martin, Himanshu Grover, Jung Eun Kang, Rahmawati Husein, Gabriel R. Burns and Tommy Kennedy

09-03R (PDF) The Elite Report: A Report on the Perception of State, County, and Local Officials Regarding the State of Texas Mitigation Plan, Coastal Management Plan and the Promotion of Mitigation Efforts in The Texas Coastal Management Zone

09-02R (PDF) Integrating Coastal Zone Management and Hazard Mitigation: Assessing the Potential Compatibilities of the Coastal Management Program and State of Texas Mitigation Plan. Carla Prater and Tommy Kennedy

09-01R (PDF) An Assessment of Coastal Zone Hazard Mitigation Plans in Texas. Walter Gillis Peacock, Jung Eun Kang, Rahmawati Husein, Gabriel Burns, Carla Prater, Samuel Brody and Tommy Kennedy

08-06R (PDF) Short-Term Public Shelter Algorithm: A Modified HAZUS Approach.  Yi-Sz Lin, Jing-Chen Lu.

08-05R (PDF) Household Dislocation Algorithm, 3:A Logistic Regression Approach.  Yi-Sz Lin, Walter Gillis Peacock, Jing-Chen Lu, Yang Zhang.

08-04R (PDF) Household Dislocation Algorithm 2: An OLS through the Origin Approach.  Walter Gillis Peacock, Yi-Sz Lin, Jing-Chen Lu, Yang Zhang.

08-03R (PDF) Status and Trends of Coastal Vulnerability to Natural Hazards Project/Annual Report for Phase 1. Walter Gillis Peacock, Samuel D. Brody, Carla Prater, Douglas Wunneburger, Forster Ndubisi, June Martin, Himanshu Grover, Jung Eun Kang, Rahmawati Husein, Gabriel Burns and Tommy Kennedy

08-02R (PDF) Toward a Resiliency and Vulnerability Observatory Network: RAVON. Walter Gillis Peacock, Howard Kunreuther, William H. Hooke, Susan L. Cutter, Stephanie E. Chang, and Phillip R. Berke

08-01R (PDF) Nonlinear Incentives, Plan Design, and Flood Mitigation: The Case of the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s Community Rating System. Sammy Zahran, Samuel D. Brody, Wesley E. Highfield and Arnold Vedlitz

07-03R (PDF) Household Dislocation Algorithm 1: A Modified HAZUS Approach.  Jing-Chen Lu, Walter Gillis Peacock, Yang Zhang, Yi-Sz Lin.

07-02R (PDF) Social Vulnerability Algorithms.  Jing-Chen Lu, Walter Gillis Peacock, Yang Zhang.

07-01R (PDF) Policy Learning for Flood Mitigation: A Longitudinal Assessment of the Community Rating System in Florida. Samuel D. Brody, Sammy Zahran, Wesley E. Highfield, Sarah Bernhardt and Arnold Vedlitz

06-01R (PDF) Social Vulnerability and Natural and Built Environments: A Model of Flood Casualties in Texas. Sammy Zahran, Samuel D. Brody, Walter Gillis Peacock, Arnold Vedlitz and Himanshu Grover

04-01R (PDF) Modeling and Managing the Vulnerability of Community Businesses to Environmental Disasters. Yang Zhang, Michael K. Lindell and Carla S. Prater. Supported by NSF Grant CMS 0219155 and MidAmerica Earthquake Center under Subaward 98-269

03-03-R (PDF) Housing Reconstruction after Two Major Earthquakes: The 1994 Northridge Earthquake in the United States and the 1999 Chi-Chi Earthquake in Taiwan. Jie-Ying Wu and Michael K. Lindell

03-02R Missing – Risk Area Map Reading Accuracy and Evacuation from Hurricane Bret. Yang Zhang, Carla S. Prater and Michael Lindell. April 2003. (Moved to 04-1A)

03-01R (PDF) Evaluating Ecosystem Management Capabilities at the Local Level in Florida: A Policy Gap Analysis Using Geographic Information Systems. Samuel Brody, Virginia Carrasco and Wes Highfield .

02-12R Urban and Agricultural Communities: Opportunities for Common Ground. John Thomas (contributing author). Council for Agriculture, Science and Technology. Task Force Report 138. May 2002.

02-11R Population, Metropolitan Change and Agricultural Productivity. John Thomas. Proceedings of the Urban Agriculture Symposium: Emerging Opportunities in Science, Education and Policy. Dallas, TX. May 2002.

02-10R Improving Municipal Water Systems for Sustainability and Economic Efficiency.. Sherry Bame et al.

02-09R (PDF) Local Population and Estimated Evacuation in Risk Areas of the Texas Gulf Coast. Michael Lindell, Carla Prater, Seong Nam Hwang, Jie-Ying Wu and Yang Zhang. College Station, TX. Texas A&M University, Hazard Reduction & Recovery Center.

02-08R (PDF) Are We Learning to Make Better Plans? A Longitudinal Analysis of Plan Quality Associated with Natural Hazards. Samuel Brody. College Station, TX. Texas A&M University, Hazard Reduction & Recovery Center.

02-07R (PDF) EMBLEM: An Empirically-Based Large Scale Evacuation Time Estimate Model. Michael Lindell, Carla Prater, Ronald Perry and Jie-Ying Wu. College Station TX. Texas A&M University Hazard Reduction & Recovery Center.

02-06R Annual Report 2001.Moved to Annual Report Archive

02-05R (PDF) Development of a Decision Support System for Hurricane Evacuation Management. Michael Lindell and Carla Prater, College Station, TX. HRRC, Texas A&M University, 2002.

02-04R (PDF) Local Jurisdictions’ Evacuation Guidance and Transportation,Carla Prater and Michael Lindell. College Station, TX. HRRC, Texas A&M University, 2002.

02-03R (PDF) Erroneous Beliefs and Earthquake Preparedness. David Whitney, Michael Lindell and Dung-Hanh Nguyen. College Station, TX, HRRC, Texas A&M University, 2002.

02-02R (PDF) Hurricane Evacuation Time Estimates for the Texas Gulf Coast. Michael Lindell, Carla Prater and Jie-Ying Wu. College Station, TX , HRRC, Texas A&M University, 2002.

02-01R (PDF)  Analysis of Institutional Response to the Taiwan 921 Earthquake. Carla Prater and Jie-Ying Wu. College Station, TX: HRRC, Texas A&M University, 2002.

00-06R (PDF) Elderly Health Needs in Brazos County. Sherry Bame, Editor. Texas A&M University, April 2000.

00-05R (PDF) Hurricane Bret Post-Storm Assessment: A Review of the Utilization of Hurricane Evacuation Studies and Information Dissemination Prepared for Texas Division of Emergency Management and Federal Emergency Management Agency Region VI, Carla Prater, Dennis Wenger and Kevin Grady, College Station, TX: Hazard Reduction & Recovery Center, 2000.

00-04R (PDF) Flood Mitigation for Homeowners: A Guideline on Elevating Residential Buildings. David C. Ekroth, College Station, TX: Hazard Reduction & Recovery Center, 1999.

00-03R Local Emergency Management Agencies’ Use of Hazard Analysis Information. Michael K. Lindell, William G. Sanderson, Jr., Nathan Lowe, Seong Nam Hwang, Jie Ying Wu, Hee Min Lee, Ju Chul Jung, Choong Hyun Jeong, Jeff R. Bryan, College Station, TX: HRRC, Texas A&M University , 2000.

00-02R (PDF) An Analysis of State Emergency Management Agencies’ Hazard Analysis Documents on the Internet. Seong Nam Hwang, College Station, TX: Hazard Reduction & Recovery Center, 1999.

00-01R (PDF) Annual Report 1999, Hazard Reduction & Recovery Center Michael, K. Lindell, College Station, TX: HRRC, Texas A&M University, 2000.

99-05R (PDF) Contra-Flow Strategies for Hurricane Evacuation on Interstate 37Greg Schumann, College Station, TX: Hazard Reduction & Recovery Center, 1999.

99-04R Missing

99-03R (PDF) Hurricane Evacuation Shelter Project: Final Report Michael K. Lindell, Charles W. Graham, and William G. Sanderson, a report prepared for Texas Governor’s Division of Emergency Management, 1999.

99-02R (PDF) A Probable Maximum Loss Study of Critical Infrastructure for Three Caribbean Countries Norris Stubbs, a report prepared for the Organization of American States, 1999.

99-01R (PDF) Documentation of a Methodology to Compute Structural Damage and Content Damage in a Wind Environment Norris Stubbs and Dale Perry, College Station, TX: Texas Engineering Experiment Station, Texas A&M University, 1999.

98-01R Missing – Annual Report 1998, Hazard Reduction & Recovery Center Michael K. Lindell, College Station TX: HRRC, Texas A&M University, 1999.

97-04R After Hurricane Marilyn: Impact of New Building Codes in St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands. David C. Ekroth, College Station, TX: Hazard Reduction & Recovery Center, 1997.

97-03R (PDF) HIV/AIDS Health Systems Planning and Programming. Sherry I. Bame, Debra Harris, Yeung Tai Hing, Rosemary Kunesh, Mary McGehee, and Sarah Williams, College Station, TX: HRRC, Texas A&M University, 1997.

97-02R (PDF) Community Health Needs Assessment: A Study of Supply of and Demand for Health and Social Support Services in Brazos County, Texas. Sherry I. Bame, Melissa K. Pindell, Victoria S. Douglass, Elaine Cook-Price, Bruce E. Jennings, Joey Anderson and Ronald Webb, College Station, TX: HRRC, Texas A&M University, 1997.

97-01R (PDF) The Toxics Release Inventory. Frances M. Lynn and Jack D. Kartez, Environmental Management, Vol 18, No. 4 (July/August 1994), pp. 511-521.

96-02R (PDF) Estimation of Building Damage as a Result of Hurricanes in the Caribbean (A Primer). Norris Stubbs, The US Agency for International Development (USAID), 1996.

96-01R (PDF) Part 1 Verification of the Protective Action Dosage Reduction Estimator (PADRE). George O. Rogers, Jea-Guy Park, Jy-Pyng Sah, Steven Eichner, College Station, TX: HRRC, Texas A&M University, 1996.

96-01R (PDF) Part 2 Verification of the Protective Action Dosage Reduction Estimator (PADRE). George O. Rogers, Jea-Guy Park, Jy-Pyng Sah, Steven Eichner, College Station, TX: HRRC, Texas A&M University, 1996.

95-09R (PDF) Construction Information for a Stronger Home. David C. Ekroth, Jeff Rowbethaum, and Charles Bornman, a report prepared for FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency), 1995,

95-08R (PDF) Building to Resist Hurricanes: A Construction Guide for Homeowners in the Virgin Islands. David C. Ekroth, Jeff Rowbethaum, and Charles Bornman, a report prepared for FEMA, 1995.

95-07R (PDF) Earthquake-Initiated Hazardous Materials Release: Lessons from the Northridge Earthquake. Michael K. Lindell and Ronald W. Perry, George Washington University and Arizona State University, 1995.

95-06R (PDF) Estimate of Costs to Implement the New Building Code for Windstorm Resistant Construction along the Texas Coast. Patricia Lombard, Norris Stubbs, and Dale Perry, College Station, TX: HRRC, Texas A&M University, 1995.

95-05R (PDF) Development of Wind Speed Contour Map for Texas Coastline. Dale Perry and Norris Stubbs, College Station, TX: HRRC, Texas A&M University, 1995.

95-04R (PDF) Cost Effectiveness of the New Building Code for Windstorm Resistant Construction along the Texas Coast. Norris Stubbs, Dale Perry and Patricia Lombard, College Station, TX: HRRC, Texas A&M University, 1995.

95-03R Missing – Planning Guidance for the Chemical Stockpile Emergency Preparedness Program. B. L. Shumpert, A. P. Watson, J. H. Sorensen, G. O. Rogers, J. F. Long, Jr., and R. Brooks, Oak Ridge, TN: Oak Ridge National Laboratory, 1995.

95-02R (PDF) A White Paper on Hurricane Loss Calculations for the Caribbean Region. prepared for the Organization of American States Caribbean Disaster Mitigation Project, Norris Stubbs, 1995.

95-01R (PDF) Risk Analysis of Residential Fire Detector Performance. Larry Grosse, Jac DeJong, and John Murphy, 1995.

94-01R (PDF) Disasters and the Elderly: A Bibliography. Gilbert Browning, College Station, TX: HRRC, Texas A&M University, 1993.

93-07R (PDF) Relationships among Neighborhood Evacuation, Volunteering and Place Attachment: Charleston and Hurricane Hugo. R. Bruce Hull IV and Dennis E. Wenger, College Station, TX: HRRC, Texas A&M University, 1993.

93-06R Missing – The Reporting of News in Disasters: A Comparative Study of Japanese and American Communities. E. L. Quarantelli, Dennis Wenger, Shunji Mikami, and Osamu Hiroi, Newark, DE: Disaster Research Center, 1993.

93-05R (PDF) A Survey of Building and Content Damage Resulting from Hurricane Andrew in Nine Industrial Properties. Norris Stubbs and Dale Perry, College Station, TX: HRRC, Texas A&M University, 1993.

93-04R (PDF) LEPC Roles in Toxic Hazards Reduction: Implementing Title III’s Unwritten Goals. Jack D. Kartez, College Station, TX: HRRC, Texas A&M University, 1993.

93-03R (PDF) Search and Rescue & Emergency Medical Services: A Multidisciplinary Annotated Bibliography. Gabriela Vigo, Carla Prater, Pradip Pramanik, J. Ethan Beeson, and Margaret Hall, College Station, TX: HRRC, Texas A&M University, 1993.

93-02R (PDF) Center Activities 1989-1992, Hazard Reduction & Recovery Center. Dennis Wenger, Philip Berke and Jacqueline Henderson, College Station, TX: HRRC, Texas A&M University, 1993.

93-01R Missing – Annual Report 1992, Hazard Reduction & Recovery Center. Dennis Wenger, Philip Berke, and Jacqueline Henderson, College Station, TX: HRRC, Texas A&M University, 1993.

92-04R (PDF) Hurricane Hugo and Shoreline Retreat: Evaluating the Effectiveness of the South Carolina Beachfront Management Act. Timothy Beatley, Charlottesville, VA: University of Virginia, 1992.

92-03R (PDF) Risk Allocation Policy in the Coastal Zone: The Current Framework and Future Directions. Timothy Beatley, Charlottesville, VA: University of Virginia, 1992.

92-02R Missing – Tri-Annual Report, 1989-1991, Hazard Reduction & Recovery Center. Dennis Wenger, Philip Berke, and Ruth Bostic, College Station, TX: HRRC, Texas A&M University, 1992.

92-01R Missing – Annual Report 1991, Hazard Reduction & Recovery Center. Dennis Wenger, Philip Berke and Ruth Bostic, College Station, TX: HRRC, Texas A&M University, 1992.

91-07R (PDF) Hurricane Gilbert Strikes Jamaica: Institutional Design Implications for Recovery and Development. Philip Berke, Timothy Beatley, and Clarence Feagin, College Station, TX: HRRC, Texas A&M University, 1991.

91-06R (PDF) chp 1 – 3 Individual and Household Response to Hurricane Hugo. Charles E. Faupel and Susan P. Kelley, Final Report to the National Science Foundation, grant #BCS-9005107, 1991.

91-06R chp 4 – 5 Individual and Household Response to Hurricane Hugo. Charles E. Faupel and Susan P. Kelley, Final Report to the National Science Foundation, grant #BCS-9005107, 1991.

91-05R (PDF) Household Recovery Following Hurricane Gilbert: St. James and St. Thomas Parishes, Jamaica. Philip R. Berke, Timothy Beatley and Clarence E. Feagin, College Station, TX: HRRC, Texas A&M University, 1991.

91-04R Missing – Annual Report 1990, Hazard Reduction & Recovery Center. Dennis Wenger, Philip Berke and Ruth Bostic, College Station, TX: HRRC, Texas A&M University, 1991.

91-03R (PDF) Linking Hurricane Disaster Recovery to Sustainable Development Strategies: Antigua, West Indies. Philip Berke and Dennis Wenger, College Station, TX: HRRC, 1991.

91-02R (PDF) Montserrat: Emergency Planning, Response and Recovery Related to Hurricane Hugo. Philip Berke and Dennis Wenger, College Station, TX: HRRC, Texas A&M University, 1991.

91-01R Missing – The Feasibility of Vertical Evacuation: Behavioral, Legal, Political, and Structural Considerations. C. Ruch, P. Berke, H. Miller, N. Stubbs, and M. Haflich, Monograph #2, Boulder, CO: Institute of Behavioral Science, University of Colorado, 1991.

90-06R Missing – Description of Interview Data Regarding Pittsburgh and Confluence Toxic Chemical Accidents George O. Rogers, B. L. Shumpert, and J. H. Sorensen, Oak Ridge, TN: Oak Ridge National Laboratory, 1990.

90-05R Missing

90-04R (PDF) Individual and Household Response to Hurricane Hugo: Progress Report. Charles Faupel, Susan Kelley, Xavier Retnam and Laura Knotts, Auburn, AL: Auburn University, 1990.

90-03R (PDF) Experimental Evaluation of a Damage Prediction Model Using Data Generated by Hurricane Gilbert and its Implications to Other Hazards. Norris Stubbs, Charles Sikorsky, and Susan Kirchman, College Station, TX: HRRC, Texas A&M University, 1990.

90-02R Missing – Annual Report 1989, Hazard Reduction & Recovery Center. Dennis Wenger, Philip Berke, and Ruth Bostic, College Station, TX: HRRC, Texas A&M University, 1990.

90-01R Missing – Evaluating Protective Actions for Chemical Agent Emergencies. George Rogers, A. P. Watson, J. H. Sorensen, R. D. Sharp, and S. A. Carnes, Final report to U. S. Department of the Army and Federal Emergency Management Agency, 1990. (Available through Oak Ridge National Laboratory)

89-02R (PDF) Seismic Hazards in the South Carolina Low Country: An Emerging Mitigation Program. Timothy Beatley and Philip Berke, College Station, TX: HRRC, Texas A&M University, 1989.

89-01R (PDF) Seismic Hazard Mitigation Through Mandatory Site Investigations: The Salt Lake County Natural Hazards Ordinance. Timothy Beatley and Philip Berke, College Station, TX: HRRC, Texas A&M University, 1989.

88-01R (PDF) Local Mitigation Planning Response to Earthquake Hazards: Results of a National Survey. Philip Berke, Annual Report submitted to the National Science Foundation, College Station, TX: HRRC, Texas A&M University, 1988.

87-01R (PDF) Part 1 Structural Feasibility of Vertical Evacuation: Final Report. Norris Stubbs and Charles Sikorsky, College Station, TX: HRRC, Texas A&M University, 1987.

87-01R (PDF) Part 2 Structural Feasibility of Vertical Evacuation: Final Report. Norris Stubbs and Charles Sikorsky, College Station, TX: HRRC, Texas A&M University, 1987.

86-06R (PDF) A Typology of Planning Mitigation Measures and Conceptual Framework of Local Planning Response to Hazards. Philip Berke, College Station, TX: HRRC, Texas A&M University, 1986.

86-05R (PDF) Risk Analysis of a Potential Vertical Shelter: A Demonstrative Example. Technical Report 4968 S-5 NSF CEE 83-09511, Norris Stubbs, Research Division, School of Architecture, College Station, TX: HRRC, Texas A&M University, 1986.

86-04R (PDF) Risk Assessment of Hurricane Mitigative Options Involving Central Park Lodge Nursing Home, Interim Report to the Tampa Bay Regional Planning Council, Norris Stubbs, College Station, TX: HRRC, Texas A&M University, 1986.

86-03R (PDF) Part 1 Risk Assessment of Hurricane Mitigative Options Involving Selected Critical Structures in the Tampa Bay Region. Final Report for the Tampa Bay Regional Planning Council, Norris Stubbs, College Station, TX: HRRC, Texas A&M University, 1986.

86-03R (PDF) Part 2 Risk Assessment of Hurricane Mitigative Options Involving Selected Critical Structures in the Tampa Bay Region. Final Report for the Tampa Bay Regional Planning Council, Norris Stubbs, College Station, TX: HRRC, Texas A&M University, 1986.

86-02R (PDF) Information System for Local Fire Hazard Management. Ian David Bishop and Margaret Cutler, Melbourne, Australia: School of Environmental Planning, The University of Melbourne, 1986.

86-01R (PDF) Identification of Potential Vertical Shelters in Galveston, Texas. Technical Report 4968 S-4 NSF CEE 83-09511, Norris Stubbs, Research Division, School of Architecture, College Station, TX: HRRC, Texas A&M University, 1986.

85-05R Human Components of Emergency Warning: Implications for Planning and Management. George Rogers, Planning Report to the Federal Emergency Management Agency, grant #EMW-K-1024, 1985.

85-04R (PDF) Missing

85-03R (PDF) Occupant Safety in Vertical Hurricane Shelters. Technical Report 4968 S-3 NSF CEE 83-09511, Norris Stubbs and Charles Sikorsky, Research Division, School of Architecture, College Station, TX: HRRC, Texas A&M University, 1985.

85-02R (PDF) The Relative Safety of Buildings in a Hurricane Hazard. Technical Report 4968 S-2 NSF CEE 83-09511, Norris Stubbs, Research Division, School of Architecture, College Station, TX: HRRC, Texas A&M University, 1985.

85-01R (PDF) Perspective on the Structural Feasibility of Vertical Evacuation. Technical Report 4968 S-1 NSF CEE 83-09511, Norris Stubbs, Research Division, School of Architecture, College Station, TX: HRRC, Texas A&M University, 1985.

80-01R Emergency Planning and the Adaptive Local Response to the Mt. St. Helens Eruption. Jack D. Kartez and W. J. Kelley, Final technical report to the National Science Foundation, grant #PFR 80-20876, 1980.

Preliminary Papers


01-02P Analyzing Interrater Agreement With and Without Disattenuation. Michael Lindell, College Station, TX, HRRC, Texas A&M University 2001.

01-01P Assessing Community Impacts of Environmental Disasters, Michael K. Lindell and Carla S. Prater. College Station, TX: HRRC, Texas A&M University, 2001. (Now available as Article 02-03A)

98-06P Citizen Participation, Social Support, and Disaster Preparedness Planning: Promoting Self Protective Action in Risk-Prone Environments, David M. Simpson and Sandra E. Sephton, College Station, TX: HRRC, Texas A&M University, 1998.

98-04P Neighborhood Building through Disaster Preparedness, David M. Simpson, College Station, TX: HRRC, Texas A&M University, 1998.

98-03P Comparing Community-based Disaster Preparedness Programs: An Initial Examination of Program Structure and Administration, David M. Simpson, College Station, TX: HRRC, Texas A&M University, 1998.

98-02P Developing a Rationale for Grass Roots Disaster Preparedness, David M. Simpson, College Station, TX: HRRC, Texas A&M University, 1998.

98- 01P The Research Context of Community-based Disaster Preparedness Groups: A Review of Related Literature, David M. Simpson, College Station, TX: HRRC, Texas A&M University, 1998.

97-02P Member Commitment and Participation in Local Emergency Planning Committees, David J. Whitney and Michael K. Lindell, College Station, TX: HRRC, Texas A&M University, 1997.

97-01P Comparison of the Volunteer Behavior During the Mexico City and Northridge Earthquakes, Gabriela Vigo and Dennis Wenger, College Station, TX: HRRC, Texas A&M University, 1997. (Now available as Article 00-04A)

96-02P Feedback Report: Team Climate within Effective LEPCs, M. K. Lindell, D. Whitney, C. Futch and C. Clause, Washington DC: George Washington University Institute for Crisis and Disaster Management, 1996.

96-01P Member Commitment and Participation in Local Emergency Planning Committees, David J. Whitney and Michael K. Lindell, College Station, TX: HRRC, Texas A&M University, 1997.

95-02P Feedback Report: Organizational Characteristics of Effective LEPCs, M. K. Lindell, D. Whitney, C. Futch and C. Clause, East Lansing, MI: Michigan State University Department of Psychology, 1995.

95-01P Application of Pattern Recognition to Damage Localization, Norris Stubbs and Gabe Garcia, College Station, TX: HRRC, Texas A&M University, 1995.

94-03P Reducing Natural Hazard Risks through Land Use Planning and Growth Management: Federal and State Policy Experience, Philip R. Berke, College Station, TX: HRRC, Texas A&M University, 1994.

94-02P Sustainable Development as a Guide to Community Land Use Policy: A Conceptual Framework, Philip R. Berke and Jack Kartez, College Station, TX: HRRC, Texas A&M University, 1994.

94-01P Evacuation Behavior Among Tenants of the World Trade Center Following the Bombing of February 26, 1993, Dennis Wenger, Benigno Aguirre, and Gabriela Vigo, College Station, TX: HRRC, Texas A&M University, 1994.

93-03P LEPC Roles in Toxic Hazards Reduction: Implementing Title III’s Unwritten Goals, Jack D. Kartez, College Station, TX: HRRC, Texas A&M University, 1993. ($12.30)

93-02P Watches and Warnings and the Epidemiological Effects of Tornadoes, B. E. Aguirre, Rogelio Saenz, John Edmiston, Nan Yang, Elsa Agramonte, and Dietra L. Stuart, College Station, TX: HRRC, Texas A&M University, 1993.

93-01P Detecting Tornadoes: A Spurious Population Effect?, B. E. Aguirre, Rogelio Saenz, John Edmiston, Nan Yang, Dietra Stuart, and Elsa Agramonte, College Station, TX: HRRC, Texas A&M University, 1993.

92-04P Economies of Expertise: Emergency Preparedness, Community Planning and Comprehensive Hazards Management, C. Faupel, J. Kartez and C. Bailey, College Station, TX: HRRC, Texas A&M University, 1992.

92-03P The Influence of State Planning Mandates On Local Plan Quality, Philip Berke and Steve French, College Station, TX, HRRC, Texas A&M University, 1992.

92-02P Preserving People-Place Relationships: Attitudes Toward Historic Charleston Following Hurricane Hugo, Mark Lam & Daniel F. MacGilvray, College Station, TX: HRRC, Texas A&M University, 1992.

92-01P Emergent and Volunteer Behavior During Disaster: Research Findings and Planning Implications, Dennis Wenger, College Station, TX: HRRC Texas A&M University, 1992.

91-07P A Study of Local Mass Media Coverage of Two Disasters in the United States, E. L. Quarantelli and Dennis Wenger, College Station, TX: HRRC, Texas A&M University, 1991.

91-06P Black Political Empowerment and White Environmental Activism in Sumter County, Alabama: Obstacles to Formation of a Natural Alliance, Conner Bailey, Charles Faupel and James Gundlach, College Station, TX: HRRC, Texas A&M University, 1991.

91-05P Disaster Education, Household Preparedness and Stress Responses to Hurricane Hugo, Charles E. Faupel, Susan P. Kelley and Thomas A. Petee, College Station, TX: HRRC, Texas A&M University, 1991.

91-03P Establishing Functional Requirements for Emergency Management Information Systems, J. H. Reed, George Rogers, and J. Sorensen, College Station, TX: HRRC, Texas A&M University, 1991.

91-02P Emergent and Volunteer Behavior During Disaster: Research Findings and Planning Implications, Dennis Wenger, College Station, TX: HRRC Texas A&M University, 1992.

91-01P Early LEPC Support for Hazard Reduction: A Policy Perspective on Title III’s Unwritten Goals, Jack D. Kartez, College Station, TX: HRRC, Texas A&M University, 1991.

90-06P Hazardous Wastes and the Legitimacy Crisis of Advanced Capitalism, Charles Faupel, Conner Bailey and Susan Holland, College Station, TX: HRRC, Texas A&M University, 1990.

90-05P The Impact of Disaster Education on Citizen Preparedness for Hurricane Hugo, Charles Faupel, Susan Kelly and Thomas Petee, College Station, TX: HRRC, Texas A&M University, 1990.

90-04P Household Recovery Following Hurricane Gilbert: St. James and St. Thomas Parishes, Jamaica, Philip R. Berke, Timothy Beatley and Clarence E. Feagin, College Station, TX: HRRC, Texas A&M University, 1991.

90-03 The Convergence of Volunteers in a Consensus Crisis: The Case of the 1985 Mexico City Earthquake, Dennis Wenger and Thomas James, College Station, TX: HRRC, Texas A&M University, 1990.

90-02P Natural Hazards Reduction and Recovery: Use of the Public Goods Perspective as a Framework of Analysis, Philip Berke and Swaroop Reddy, College Station, TX: HRRC, Texas A&M University, 1990.

90-01P Emergency Response, Planning and Search and Rescue, Charlie Scawthorn and Dennis Wenger, College Station, TX: HRRC, Texas A&M University, 1990.

89-04P Emergency Preparedness and Response Planning: An Overview of Seismic Policy Related Issues (DRC Preliminary Paper #121), Dennis Wenger and Thomas Drabek, Texas A&M University, 1989.

89-03P The Effects of Hurricane Gilbert in Cancun, B. E. Aguirre, College Station, TX: HRRC, Texas A&M University, 1989.

89-02P Warnings, B. E. Aguirre, College Station, TX: HRRC, Texas A&M University, 1989.

89-01P The Study of Volunteer and Emergent Organizational Response: Approaches and Issues for Future Research, Dennis Wenger, College Station, TX: HRRC, Texas A&M University, 1989.

88-01P A Comparative Study of Mass Media Organization in Disaster: An Empirical Examination of Some Recent Observation in the Literature, Dennis Wenger and Barbara Friedman, Newark, DE: Disaster Research Center, 1988.

85-01P Mass Media and Disasters, Dennis Wenger, College Station, TX: HRRC, Texas A&M University, 1985.77-01P The Development of Propositional Inventories in the Social Sciences: Methodological Considerations, B. E. Aguirre, College Station, TX: HRRC, Texas A&M University, 1977.