Research Topic 4: AI and human brain in Design and Construction

Research Description

Diagram showing the relationship of Robot/AI agent simulation, neuroimaging experiments, and neuroscience data analysis.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is currently on the rise and demonstrating remarkable capabilities across various domains. Drawing Inspirations from neuroscience, AI emulates human intelligence and mimics human brain structures (e.g., neural networks). In this project, you will explore the potential of AI (e.g., GPT) and neuroscience in the field of design and construction. You will have opportunities to develop AI agents or AI-powered robots in a simulated environment to facilitate smart and sustainable decision-making. You will also have a chance to explore human-AI interaction by observing the changes in participants’ behavior and cognition through well-designed human subject experiments. Through the lens of neuroscience and behavioral science, you can evaluate the effectiveness of AI and human-AI interaction in design and construction decision-making, and in turn, inform enhancement of AI design for more effective decision-making support. This interdisciplinary exploration promises an enriching experience at the intersection of AI, construction, and neuroscience.

REU Research Plan

REU students will be involved in learning and simulating an AI agent or robots to support a design or construction task during summer with Ph.D. students and the faculty advisors. The students will access cutting-edge knowledge about AI, neuroscience, and their application in AEC fields through a literature review. The students will be given guidance on python coding, simulation, and neuroimaging methods. The students will help with the neuroimaging experiments when participants interact with AI agents in simulation and measure the behavioral and cognitive change for further data analysis. The students will be given an opportunity to contribute to a conference/journal paper with the research team members. This immersive experience promises not only intellectual growth of the REU students but also the opportunity to make a meaningful contribution to the research community.

More Details

Keywords: artificial intelligence, neuroscience, simulation, decision-making, design, construction

Requirements: Python basics, interest in AI and neuroscience, and basic knowledge of statistics.

Undergraduate Degrees: Computer Science, Civil Engineering, Construction, Neuroscience.

Potential Faculty Advisors: Dr. Mo Hu and Dr. Xi Wang